Analyst Relations Program Audit – Free from KCG
A KCG Analyst Relations program audit is a structured free one hour conference call during which 8 facets of your AR program will be measured and compared to industry norms.
- Your market and competitors, including competitive program “pressure” on AR
- Your organizational structure and budget and how it supports AR
- Your program alignment and targeting vs. the products you sell and the markets you target
- Your balance of analyst relations vs. media and other influencers
- Your spend with the analyst firms – balance of spend and amounts spent
- Your analyst relations activity budget and time allocation
- Your interactor team and their effectiveness
- Extending your program to cover vertical markets and specific international geographies
- Expect a multi point critique of how your program meets or falls short of industry standards.
Sample scorecard:
To sign up for a KCG AR Audit send an e-mail by clicking HERE.
Please specify:
- Three dates and times you are available for at least 60 minutes
- Your name
- Your company and it’s three main competitors
- Your e-mail address
- Your phone number
We will respond within 24 hours with a time for your Audit.
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